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Highly Sprung Performance Co. 'Professor Coerium’s Heart Emporium': Choreographic Consultant

Set in an inflatable dome, audiences will be transported from mount Atherosclerosis to the Local Greggs on a journey of discovery as we learn how to look after our hearts both Physically, anatomically and mindfully.


SG2 'Adventures in Slumberton': Choreographic Consultant

A piece of family theatre devised by Artistic Director Siobhan Hayes in collaboration with SG2 dancers. The discovery of the magical world of Slumberton; an invitation to explore and play.

Highly Sprung Performance Co. 'Up, Up and Away': Choreographic Consultant

The performance brings together innovative and playful design in costume, puppetry and set and Highly Sprung’s high energy performance style all set with the frame of a low-level aerial rig. Up, Up and Away creates a sense of magic, beauty and intrigue for the children who see it. To associate with the story of a Boy, Joe, who feels he doesn’t fit, who is different. Then through witnessing his journey the audience learning how to celebrate each person’s individuality and uniqueness.

Ramallah Festival 'Composition in Time': Choreographer

A work for Stopgap dance Company and commissioned by Ramallah festival. An integrated group of five dancers discover their individual voices within one unified body; time and space is what binds them but it is their unique characteristics that draw you in. 

Highly Sprung Performance Co. 'Tree': Choreographic Consultant

A piece of family theatre telling the story of a young girl called Sophie. Follow her as she embarks on an imaginary journey of discovery through roots, branches, cells and DNA to understand why the beloved tree at the bottom of her garden has suddenly become ill. 

Stopgap Dance Company 'Slide With The Sun': Choreographer

One of four works in 'Exhibition', a collection of eclectic dance miniatures. 'Slide with the Sun' captures the dancers in four moments, allowing the audience to see the individual acts of each dancer; the interacting dancers; their competitive relationships and their resolve. Original music composed by Tom Austin.

Ascendance Rep. 'Outside Spaces, Inside Places': Choreographer

Performed by A Company Of All Ages, this site specific work with three live musicians and original composition, takes the spectators on a journey around five West Yorkshire heritage sites. The cast groove, promenade and play with moments of physical tension reflecting the nature of their surroundings. 

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